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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

joy and meaning in your life.

How To Know Your Soul by Tracy Warren
In order to know your soul you need to first recognize that you have a soul and have a desire to know your soul. Who you truly are is a beautiful soul wanting to express in the world,5825 Ugg Classic Short Navy Boots. Your soul is the "real" you underneath your personality images and roles you play. The soul hides behind the many masks we wear each day and doesn't reveal itself until we are ready to go deeper and express our authentic self. Here are three steps you can begin to put in place to get to know your soul and connect with it regularly.
1. Get quiet and pay attention within. Take some time for yourself and sit undisturbed where you can take a few deep breaths and connect within. This is sometimes best done before your day begins and you get into all your to do lists. Stop your busyness and become present to what you are experiencing in the moment. You can't fully know the soul by learning or thinking about it. It must be experienced.
Your soul longs for you to acknowledge it. There are so many gifts the soul has for you, but you must make the first move by having the desire to connect with it and cultivate a relationship with it. When you begin paying attention to your soul on a regular basis, it will begin to infuse you with its aliveness and radiance. You will become more of your authentic self and your connection to your soul will grow stronger the more and more you practice being with it in this way.
2. Become aware of your feelings. Notice what feelings come up for you as you spend quiet time with yourself. Breathe into your heart and really feel what is there,improve their personality. The feelings of the heart are not emotions. Emotions are based on your reactions. Feelings occur in the moment and are not reactionary based,To help a friend out of a bad mood. You feel joy just because. You feel love automatically, nothing has to happen. Become aware of these heart feelings and go deeper into really experiencing them. Stay with this; stay with the feeling as long as you can and you will eventually open to and touch the energy of your soul.
3. Reveal your unique essence. When you reach the level of your soul, you become aware that you are much more than you thought you were. When you have transcended your feelings and are in touch with the energy of the soul, you sense your unique essence and magnificence. You experience your uniqueness, your individuality and at the same time experience being connected to something much greater than you,Enjoy the money you make.
Spend time reflecting on what makes you so unique and what role that you can play in the bigger picture that know one else can. Explore your unique character and you will know your soul, your essence and as well will better understand your purpose and the special contribution you are here to make.
Knowing your soul is such a precious gift. When you open to and know your soul you will discover your unique essence and will be inspired to express yourself in a way that benefits others. Start to identify with your soul self today and be open to experience more fulfillment, joy and meaning in your life.

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